Hijama Expert

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What is Hijama?

Hijama, also known as Wet Cupping, is used to remove harmful blood & toxins from your body. The toxic blood is taken out of circulation, by making small incisions on the skin & extracting it using a vacuum pump. Hijama Therapy is a safe procedure if performed correctly. Unlike drugs and pharmaceutical medications, it has no side effects. It does not inject substances in the body, or prescribe internalising anything. In fact, releases toxic build-up out of the system as opposed to increasing chemical and toxic accumulation. Cupping has been known since ancient times. Islam came and promoted its status, confirming its benefits, and the Arabs called it Hijama.

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Why Hijama?

  • The Ultimate Detox Treatment
  • Cupping has been known since ancient times; Islam came and promoted its status, confirming its benefits, and the Arabs called it Hijama. Hijama is considered a natural, complimentary, alternative treatment. It can be used effectivly to treat various conditions, and it is also regarded as a preventative treatment.

  • Cure of Diseases
  • Al Hijamah (Cupping Therapy) is the blessing and cure to every disease. Go through with this treatment with full Yaqeen and cure by Sada’qaat. Allah s.w.t has the only authority to cure us.

  • Benefits of Al-Hijamah
  • Even though Al-Hijamah is a very simple procedure, it has dramatic effects. Our health and well-being are tied up with the immune system and are totally dependent on the flow of blood and Qi (energy) and body fluids like hormones and lymphatic fluid.

  • Cupping Operation and its Psychological aspect
  • The Damascene erudite doctor explained this point by saying: “Cupping is the prophets’ advice”. For the whole fact, and in implementing this wholesome therapeutic art, which was recommended for application by the most honored prophet Muhammed (Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him)

Physiological Condition of the Body

The cupping operation must be done before the breakfast. The Messenger of Allah s.a.w said, “Hijama (cupping) before breakfast is optimal, and it has cure and benediction.

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Dr. Hakim Tamim A Qureshi

Dr. Hakim Tamim is not only just “Hijama” (cupping therapist) but also specialist in “unani system of Medicine”. he has gained amazing amount of knowledge about unani (Greek) medicine despite the young age, because of the fact that his father, grandfather,great grandfather and their whole family of the ancestors were scholar of unani system in which the legitimate physician (Hakim) checks the pulse(nabj, nadi) and diagnose the patient with possible cause of disease they are suffering. The tradition of seeing the pulse is been followed by them since the time of their ancestors, and Hakim Tamim and the family have kept it alive the tradition of “Hakim” to their family till date. His father, “Hakim Abadurarajajak Kasmi” is considered as one of the big Hakim (practitioners) of the unani system not only in india but the world around as well. his treatment by the grace of God Almighty has successfully cured so many peope around the world.

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Your First Visit? What to expect?

A full medical history is taken by a Qualified Chiropractic Doctor as part of the initial consultation. This may require a physical examination if applicable utilising orthopaedic and neurological tests to uncover the root cause of your problems.

Booking an Appointment Online

All appointments are arranged via prior bookings only. Appointment times and dates have limited capacity and vary depending on clinic location. Please call for specified details.

After your first treatment

After your first treatment, it is not uncommon to feel fresh, revitalized and light in the body.

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